
All you need to sign up is an email. Now let's follow the steps together:

  1. Enter your email and then set a password in the below fields.
  2. Check the terms and conditions box if you agree with the terms.
  3. Enter the verification code that has been sent to your email.
  4. Select your default currency and Set your balance (this step is skippable).
  5.  Click "Sign Up" and enjoy.
  1. Click "Profile" in the application's bottom menu.
  2. Click "Delete Account" and confirm if you are sure.
  1. Open the app and click "Forgot my password" in the login page.
  2. We will send a verification code to your email, enter the code and easily reset your password by entering new password.


To create a financial account in the app go to the dashboard after logging in.

  1. Click "..." in the accounts section.
  2. Click "add new account" and enter the details of your account.
  3. Click on "Create account" button.

Now you can see your account added to the dashboard.

  1. Click "..." in the accounts section.
  2. Here you can see the details of your accounts, By clicking "..." next to each account you can edit / delete them.

When you set an account as default, it means this is your most useful account and when we need to automatically fill your account somewhere in the app, we will use your default account.


  1. If you take a look ate the bottom menu There is a + sign, Click it and select add expense / income.
  2. Enter the details (there are some optional fields called "more details" which are helpful to give you further analysis).
  3. Click "save" and see your expense / income in the "transactions" section in dashboard.
  4. Click on the trash icon if you want to delete the item.

Sure, with the planned payments you can easily add your repetitive expenses / incomes.

For example we all know salaries are repetitive, you don't need to add an income whenever you receive your salary. Simply add it as a new planned payment and we will do the rest for you.

Yes, you can Click + sign in the bottom menu and import your old data by clicking "upload file".

Your excel file should have these columns in order to import it into the app: Title, Price, Date

Optional fields: Category, Location, Companion, Note, Tax, Tag(separated by space.


  1. Click "budget" button in the dashboard.
  2. Choose "manually" and then set the settings of your budget.
  3. Select the categories which you want to set budget for.
  4. Assign an amount for each category(you can see the available amount pinned at the top).
  5. Click "Save".

When you reset your budget (you can simply do this from the settings icon in budget page), all your previous budget data will be cleared and you can start setting a completely new budget from scratch.

  1. Go to budget page from dashboard and click "new".
  2. Select the categories you want to add to your budget.
  3. Now previous and new categories are shown together in case you want to change them to assign values to new added categories.
  4. Click "save" and your category will update.

Of course,

  1. If you haven't set your budget yet, in the initial settings you can turn on the "Repeat" option so that your budget repeats automatically every month.
  2. If you have already set your budget, go to budget page and click settings, then turn on the "Repeat" option so that your budget repeats automatically every month.

Budgets are set for one full month (form 1st to the end), So all your expenses from the first of the month will include in your budget even if you set the budget in the middle of the month.

Planned Payment

First of all, let's call the repetitive expense / incomes "Planned Payments".

There are two ways to add a planned payment:

  • Add a planned Payment from its page:
    1. Click "More" from the bottom menu.
    2. Click "Planned Payment".
    3. Click "New plan" and enter the details.
    4. Make sure to enter the repeating details (tap on the icon and the fields will show up).
  • Turn a normal expense into Planned Payment:

When you are adding a new transaction (expense / income) there is a section called "Repeating details" (tap on the icon and the fields will show up). By turning this feature on and entering the repeating details you can a have a planned payment.


App features

Yes, follow the steps to customize the widgets:

  1. Click the "add or remove widgets" at the end of all widgets (simply scroll down the widgets to see it).
  2. here you can choose which widget to have in  your dashboard.
  3. Hold on the lines on the left of each widget to change the orders.

Imaging you want to buy a laptop. You can start saving money for this goal.

Here are the steps to simply add a goal in loonieple:

  1. Click on “more” in the bottom menu.
  2. Click “Goals” and then add a new goal.
  3. Enter the details such as goal name, price and the date you want to reach that goal.
  4. Click “save”.
  5. You can edit or delete the goal by swiping to left.
  6. You can now add funds by clicking “Add fund”.
  7. To see the history of funds just click on “View details” and delete the funds if necessary.